Institute media

The Department of Financial Studies the Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies at the University of Baghdad discussed the research titled (The role of guarantees in collecting Murabaha in Islamic banks \Applied research in Al-Nahrain Islamic Bank) for the student Kawther Ahmed Mohammed   to obtain a higher diploma equivalent to a master’s degree in banks and grants its holder All rights and privileges of a master’s degree.

The study aimed to achieve its objectives of enhancing commitment to sustainable development goals, especially the development of decent work and economic growth. It aims to explain the role of guarantees in collecting Murabaha in Islamic banks. In order to achieve this goal, guarantees were taken as an independent variable and its impact on the dependent variable, which is Murabaha with supply, was studied.

The study concluded that it is necessary for the bank to ensure that the guarantees provided by the customer are sufficient and highly reliable guarantees that cover the value of the Murabaha that he will receive. The financial solvency of the customer and the validity of the papers submitted by him should also be verified to ensure his ability to pay the amounts that will be due from him.

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