Institute media

The Department of Financial Studies the Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies at the University of Baghdad discussed the research titled (Adopting electronic payment tools to enhance capacity Banks attract public savings Applied research on a sample of Iraqi banks ) for the Abbas Ahmed Hashim to obtain a higher diploma equivalent to a master’s degree in banks and grants its holder All rights and privileges of a master’s degree

The study aimed to show the relationship between electronic payment tools and attracting savings to Iraqi banks. The research is based on the hypothesis that adopting electronic payment tools will contribute to enhancing the ability of banks to attract the savings of the public represented by the natural person and the legal person. Therefore, electronic payment tools are an important indicator to know the degree of development of the country’s financial economic sectors because these sectors are more responsive to global development.

The study concluded that the results of the analysis of the financial statements showed a large disparity between the amounts of deposits for government banks and private banks estimated at (87.0%), and that the use of electronic payment tools contributed to the increase in the volume of deposits in banks.

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