Institute media

The Department of Financial Studies the Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies at the University of Baghdad discussed the research titled (Impact of applying International Accounting Standard 21 IAS  on the profitability measurement of banks) for the student Adeebh Dawood Ali  to obtain a higher diploma equivalent to a master’s degree in banks and grants its holder All rights and privileges of a master’s degree.

The study aimed to study the impact of applying International Accounting Standard No. (IAS 21) on measuring banks’ profitability, as the standard explains how to address the effects of exchange rate changes and their impact on assets and liabilities that include balances in foreign currencies, which is directly reflected in the profits announced by banks.

The study concluded that applying International Accounting Standard No. (21) has a noticeable impact on banks’ profitability through its positive or negative impact on financial results, due to its impact on how assets and liabilities are evaluated and how they are recorded and disclosed.

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