Institute media
The Department of Accounting Studies at the Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies at the University of Baghdad discussed the research titled(Cost Reduction Using Green Target Costing technique under the Seventh Sustainable Development Goal (SSDG) Applied Research) for the student ( Hussein Jawad Haneit ) to obtain Cost and Managerial Accounting certificate, which is the highest professional certificate in the field of specialization, and its holder enjoys all the rights and privileges of a doctorate degree.
The study aimed to apply the green target costing technique as one of the modern techniques in cost accounting and management to solve the environmental problems suffered by industrial companies during production processes and reduce high costs by switching to cleaner energy by relying on cleaner energy sources in generating electrical and thermal energy to address the frequent stoppages in production processes, in addition to the fact that the decrease in electrical energy affects production efficiency, so it is necessary to adopt modern techniques through which green products are produced that meet environmental requirements and conditions at the lowest cost.
The study concluded the necessity of applying the green target cost in order to keep pace with the developments occurring in the industrial environment and increase the market share in these factories and work to improve the use of available resources and protect the environment and reduce manufacturing costs by relying on cleaner fuel.