Institute media

His Excellency the President of the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau, the Chartered Accountant Dr. Ammar Subhi Khalaf, honored, in the presence of the Dean of the Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies, University of Baghdad, Chartered Accountant, Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Muhammad Thajil Al-Maamouri, Assistant Lecturer Odi Obaid Zidane, Head of the Quality Assurance and University Performance Unit, and Mr. Rajih Abdul Hamid Eidan, with the Institute’s shield marked the ideal employee, with the attendance of a group of professors, members and graduate students at the Institute.

His Excellency the President of the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau, Chartered Accountant Dr. Ammar Subhi Khalaf, praised the efforts made to serve the Institute and their dedication to work, wishing them continued success and more giving in the service of our Institute.

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