Institute Media
The fifth session of the academic year 2024/2025 of the Council of the Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies was held under the chairmanship of the Chartered Accountant, Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Muhammad Thajil Al-Maamouri, Dean of the Institute, and the Assistant Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Wafaa Hussein Salman Al-Haidari, the Council’s Rapporteur, and all members of the Council.
Chartered Accountant Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Mohammed Thajeel Al-Maamouri / Head of the Department of Accounting Studies
Assistant Professor Dr. Wafaa Hussein Salman / Head of the Department of Financial Studies
Chartered Accountant Dr. Mohammed Zamel Fleih / Representative of the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau / Director General of the Audit and Follow-up Department
Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Jawad Al-Dahlaki / Representative of the Ministry of Finance / Director General of the Financial and Accounting Training Center Ministry of Finance
Chartered Accountant Dr. Imad Abdul Hassan Jiyad / Representative of the Central Bank of Iraq / Director General of the Accounting Department Central Bank of Iraq
Mr. Adnan Qasim Abdullah / Representative of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals / Director General of the Audit and Internal Control Department
The Dean welcomed the members of the Council, after which various scientific matters included in the agenda of the fifth session were discussed and the necessary decisions and recommendations were taken regarding them.