The Minister of Education inspects the Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies
Postgraduate students in the Department of Accounting Studies Take the Practical Training Test at the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau
Welcome to The Post-Graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies website
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The Minister of Education inspects the Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies
Postgraduate students in the Department of Accounting Studies Take the Practical Training Test at the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau
Welcome to The Post-Graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies website
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The Institute Holds a Workshop on Humanity Between Divine Status and Satanic Trafficking

The Dean of the Post-graduate Institute Honors the Dean of the College of Media at the University of Baghdad, Professor Dr. Ammar Taher Muhammad

The Institute Holds a Workshop on the Importance of the H-Index in Improving Academic Impact

The Dean of the Post-graduate Institute Honors the Dean of the College of Science at the University of Baghdad, Assistant Professor Dr. Raed Faleh Hassan

The Post-graduate Institute is Holding a seminar to Discuss the Research Topics of Graduate Students in the Department of Accounting Studies.

A lecturer in the Department of Accounting Studies is awarded a Certificate of Excellence in Research Evaluation

PGIAFS in numbers

753Graduated students
41Faculty members


The Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies Discusses Reliability of municipal Revenues Under International Financial Reporting Standards

The Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies Discusses Auditing Trusts According to International Auditing

The Post-graduate Institute Discusses Analysis of Service and Production Contract Costs According to the Requirements of the Sustainability

The Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies Discusses Auditing Modern Irrigation Technologies According To International Auditing Standards

The Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies Discusses the role of the Auditor in Anti-corruption According to the INTOSAI Guide

The Post-graduate Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies Discusses Cost Reduction Using Green Target

Scientific Activities of the Institute

Upcoming conferences

Upcoming scientific seminars

Upcoming workshops

The activities of the Post-graduate Institute of Accounting and Financial Studies at the University of Baghdad are held throughout the year, including seminars, discussion groups, workshops, conferences, discussions, and training courses.

Visit the database of the University of Baghdad website to view a complete list of activities for each formation.

Introductory video for the Post-graduate Institute of Accounting and Financial Studies